Directory / Shipping / ATLANTIC MULTISERVICE


32 55 Steinway Street
New York New York, 11103
Fax: 718 721-7642
Atlantic Multiservice Inc. is recognized as one of the most progressive multi service company offering competitive and reliable services in travel, money transfer, shipping, phone communications and other services to the general public. We are committed to provide responsive and top quality customer service based on the highest degree of ethical standards. We will endeavor to achieve meaningful growth and to develop new products and services that meet and exceed the evolving requirements of the different markets that we serve. We shall always conduct relationships with our customers and correspondents guided by the principles of mutual respect, fairness and genera Atlantic Multiservice Inc eshte njohur si nje nder kompanite me progresive ne treg duke ofruar sherbime konkurruese dhe te besueshme ne fluturime, transferta parash, sherbimin income tax, dergim pakosh, thirrjet telefonike ne distance te larget etj. Objektivi yne eshte nje sherbim klientele bazuar ne cilesite me te larta te standarteve dhe etikave tregtare. Perpiqemi gjithmone te arrijme nje rritje domethenese dhe te zhvillojme produkte e sherbime te reja ne menyre qe te tejkalojme kerkesat e tregjeve te ndryshme. Marredheniet me klientet dhe korrespondetet tane do te udhehiqen gjithmone nga principet e respektit te perbashket, drejtesia dhe rregullat e bisnesit.lly-accepted business practices.
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