Momento Restaurant
Arben Dautaj
374 Morsetown Road
West Milford NJ,
Tel: 973-728-9613
Website: http://www.momentorestaurant.net
Alberto and his wife Arta opened their first restaurant ‚"Momento‚" in Teaneck, NJ in 1993. Because of the great success of the original Momento, Alberto opened ‚"Momento‚" restaurant in West Milford in 1996. In 1998 the Arta Cafë©, a gourmet Pizza restaurant was opened by Alberto and Arta. The Arta Restaurant was opened in Ringwood, NJ in 2002 and is run by co-owner Romeo Bega. In April 2006 The Dautaj at the Warwick Inn was opened and is managed by co-owners Bekim Karacica and Agim Jashamica. Alberto and Arta Dautaj have succeded in fullfilling their American dream with successful businesses and service to the community. The dream still goes on