Annunziata & Asllani, LLP
6 Sherman Road
Farmingdale NY,
Tel: 646-866-7878
Fax: 718-404-9194
Annunziata & Asllani, LLP is a family owned and operated full service law firm with a focus on real estate law. We strive to provide superior legal services at a reasonable cost and while being totally accessible by our clients. Whether it is the purchase or sale of a home, condominium, or cooperative, or the complex sale of commercial property, we are there to make sure our clients are always well informed and protected.
Annunziata & Asllani, LLP eshte nje firme ligjore familiare me fokus ne ligjin e pronave te patundura. Ne japim sherbime te shkelqyera ligjore me cmime te arsyeshme, dhe vazhdojme te jemi ne dispozicion te klienteve tone. Sikur te jete shitja ose blerja e shtepive private, apartamenteve kondominium ose kooperative ose shiteblerjet me komplekse te pronave komerciale, ne jemi gati ti mirmbajme klientet te njoftuar e te mbrojtur.