Albanian Yellow Pages
Ismer Mjeku, Publisher
612 Crescent Avenue
Bronx NY,
Tel: 718-584-1620
Website: http://albanianyellowpages.com
- The Albanian Yellow Pages is a comprehensive, print, online, business listing and e-mail marketing advertising agency.
- www.albanianyellowpages.com is one of the oldest website in the internet, since 1996, which means when Google and other major search engines index local listings, your business listing in
albanianyellowpages.com will show on the top of these major search engines, even before your own website.
- Ads in Albanian Yellow Pages book deliver high-quality leads from customers who are ready to buy. The book stays in albanian households for one year until the new book comes out. The book offers a large selection of advertising options; cover ads, full color ads including pullouts, perforated pages, business card magnets, etc.